Serving to add beauty.
Decorative adjective synonym. Find descriptive alternatives for ornamental. How to use decorative in a sentence. This is the british english definition of decorative view american english definition of decorative. Change your default dictionary to american english.
Made to look attractive. Decorative definition is serving to decorate. Another word for decorative. Intended to look attractive rather than be useful.
Find another word for decorative. Find descriptive alternatives for decorative. Made to look attractive. Definition of decorative adjective in oxford advanced learner s dictionary.
Definition and synonyms of decorative from the online english dictionary from macmillan education. Decorative definition serving or tending to decorate. 5 synonyms of decorative from the merriam webster thesaurus plus 22 related words definitions and antonyms. Marked with someone s name or initials or with a special decoration in order to show who owns it.