The basic principle of the declaration was that all men are born and remain free and equal in rights article 1 which were specified as the rights of liberty private property the inviolability of the person and resistance to oppression article 2 all citizens were equal before the law and were to have the right to participate in legislation directly or indirectly article 6.
Declaration of the rights of man was based on. Déclaration des droits de l homme et du citoyen de 1789 set by france s national constituent assembly in 1789 is a human civil rights document from the french revolution. However despite their similarities their differences are apparent due to the social situations in which they were adopted. The universal declaration of human rights the universal declaration of human rights udhr is a milestone document in the history of human rights. The universal declaration of human rights udhr is a historic document that was adopted by the united nations general assembly at its third session on 10 december 1948 as resolution 217 at the palais de chaillot in paris france of the then 58 members of the united nations 48 voted in favour none against eight abstained and two did not vote.
The bill of rights and declaration of the rights of man and citizen are based on the same principles of natural rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal. It was a concise expression of enlightenment values and ideas embraced by most political clubs and factions. It was a constitutional document that guaranteed the rights of all individual frenchmen.
The declaration was drafted by the abbé sieyès and the marquis de lafayette in consultation with thomas jefferson. The declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen french. Therefore each document is similar in protecting the people s natural rights. The declaration consists of 30 articles.
The declaration of the rights of man of 1793 was the first version to include the article noting the rights of equality liberty security property the 1793 declaration of the rights of man also made out specific articles for education term limits for government officials and for the maintenance of the poor. Approved by the national assembly of france august 26 1789 the representatives of the french people organized as a national assembly believing that the ignorance neglect or contempt of the rights of man are the sole cause of public calamities and of the corruption of governments have determined to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural unalienable and sacred rights of man in.