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Art decoration applied to furniture. The term is used in distinction to the fine arts which are those that produce objects with no practical use whose only purpose is to be beautiful or stimulate the intellect in some way in practice the two often overlap. Art decoration applied to furniture. Ornament style decoration applied art decoration queen anne louis seize modern gothic modem gothic louis quatorze great deal louis quinze aet decoration publisher harper brothers collection americana. It includes interior design but not usually architecture the decorative arts are often categorized in distinction to the fine arts namely painting drawing photography and large scale sculpture which generally produce objects solely for their aesthetic.
Spofford harriet elizabeth prescott 1835 1921. Art decoration applied to furniture item preview remove circle. The decorative arts are arts or crafts whose object is the design and manufacture of objects that are both beautiful and functional. Publication date 1878 topics furniture decoration and ornament publisher new york.
Art decoration applied to furniture. New york harper bros. Art decoration applied to furniture by spofford harriet elizabeth prescott 1835 1921. All authors contributors.